Wellness is Within
Do you have a desire for more beauty, peace, authenticity, and happiness? Wynning Wellness is the space for you, whether you simply want one or a few items to help energize and enhance your surroundings, or you wish to renew the way you feel inside. Our goal is to make you feel as good and look as awesome as you are truly meant to be.
Welcome to Wynning Wellness!
We offer amazing products including semi-precious stones that have been ethically mined from Latin America, energized jewelry and pendants from Canadian sources, the best quality incense and other meditation aides, as well as fair trade toys and décor from around the world. We do our very best to make sure that our merchandise is carefully selected and that our products come from fair trade and ethically sourced wholesalers.
about celia
I specialize in what has haunted me the most, having been completely exhausted trying to deal with poor health and sabotaging behaviors. I have found that many of the products that I sell have assisted in calming my mind and body, and the practices that I have learned along the way have brought me to a place of self-acceptance, love, and authenticity. As Jane Fonda said so eloquently, “the challenge is not to be perfect, it’s to be whole”.
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I know first-hand what it takes to survive life while dealing with disordered eating and bingeing behaviors, trichotillomania (compulsive hair-pulling), poor physical health and shattered self-esteem. I visited MANY practitioners both in the allopathic community and later in alternative medicines and discovered that the only person who could truly change where I was going was me.
Along the way, I trained professionally too. I am a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and a member in good standing with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners. I am educated in Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnosis, and Live Blood Cell analysis, and I maintain a study of metaphysics and a meditation practice.
I continue to work extensively on myself and have also been collaborating with clients since 2013, to co-create the lives of happiness and vitality. I hope that you will see my authenticity as well as my love of earth’s magnificence and natural beauty, as we journey together.
We also offer personalized holistic nutrition and energy coaching sessions. Does any of this sound familiar: You have been sabotaging yourself with poor eating habits or body-focused repetitive behaviors that are diminishing your quality of life; you find that you only seem to get so far when trying to improve, even though you are putting so much effort into trying to get well; you have weird physical symptoms but the professional diagnosis is that it is all in your head? Yes? Then get ready to discover the power in combining Holistic Nutrition with Transformative Coaching with our founder Celia Wynne, an empathic and skilled practitioner. Celia has both trained professionally and has walked the path of ill health and hurting behaviors, discovering on a very personal level what it takes to become whole again.
On The Blog
The Benefit of Breaking Resolutions
I’m going through my older notes today in order to develop my website…Today is August 20th, not exactly freezing! However, this post, other than the weather, still applies… Today is January 21st, and what some call Blue Monday. All the bills from the holidays are in,...
Welcome to Wynning Wellness!